Hanseatic Trading Post ca. 1300 - Hansekontor um 1300 30mm flats by former Golberg International Background by Rick after a drawing by Albrecht Dürer Close-ups below.
Crossbowmen and handgunner ca. 1400 - Armbruster und Schütze um 1400 30mm flats engraved by Ludwig Frank ostensibly for Roessner and now with Wentzels in Sweden
Cannoneer and cannon, mid to late 15th Century Kanonier und Geschütz, Mitte bis Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts 30mm flat by Bähr & Schmidchen
Russian Heroes 1260-1380 - Russische Helden 1260-1380 Left to right: Mikail Brenk (a Boyar who died heroically at the Battle of Kulikovo Field, 1380); Dmitry Mikailovich (1299-1326 - Prince of Tver); Vasily Yaroslovich (1241-1276 - Grand Duke of Vladimir); Dmitry Donskoy (1350-1389 - Prince of Moscow & Grand Prince of Vladimir - victor at Kulikovo Field in 1380) v/l.n.r. Michaeil Brenk (ein Bojar der 1380 als Held in der Schlacht auf Kulikower Feld gefallen ist); Dmitry Mikailovich (1299-1326 - Prinz von Twer); Vasily Jaroslowich (1241-1276 - Großherzog von Wladimir); Dmitri Donskoi (1350-1389 - Prinz von Moskau & Groß-Prinz von Wladimir - 1380 Sieger auf Kulikower Feld) 30mm flats by W. Wohlmann (†)