Grenadier officer & standard bearer, ca. 1800. 30mm flats by the former Goldberg International firm.
Grenadier Offizier und Fahne um 1800 30mm Figuren von ehem. Firma Goldberg International
Österreichische Infanterie bei Wagram (5.-6. Juli 1809) Austrian Infantry at the Battle of Wagram (5-6 July 1809) 28mm flat produced by Heinrichen of Nuremberg, engraved in 1913 Painted as 46th "Chasteler" Infantry Regiment
Jaegers , ca. 1810. - Jäger um 1810 30mm flats by the Ernst Heinrichsen firm - some to the first flats Rick ever painted, in the 1960s. Unter den ersten flache Zinnfiguren die Rick bemalt hatte, in der 1960er Jahren.
Artillery, ca. 1810 - Artillerie um 1810 30mm flats by the Ernst Heinrichsen firm - some to the first flats Rick ever painted, in the 1960s. Unter den ersten flache Zinnfiguren die Rick bemalt hatte, in der 1960er Jahren.
Line Infantry, ca. 1812 - Linien-Infanterie um 1812 20mm flats by the Johannes Trips (†)
Line Infantry, ca. 1812 - Linien-Infanterie um 1812 20mm flats by the Johannes Trips (†)
Hungarian Infantry and militia officer, ca. 1812 Ungarischer Infanterie- u. Miliz-Offizier um 1812 20mm flats by the Johannes Trips (†)
Artillery officer and hussar horse-holder, ca. 1812 Artillerie-Offizier und Husar als Pferdehalter um 1812 30mm flats by Kieler Zinnfiguren
Cuirassiers, ca. 1812 - Kürassiere, ca. 1812 20mm flats by Johannes Trips (†)
Militia, ca. 1812 - Miliz, ca. 1812 20mm flats by Johannes Trips (†)