Germanic warrior Germannischer Krieger 30mm flat by Beck
Arminius at the Battle of Teutoburger Wald, 9 AD Arminius (Hermann der Cherusker), Schlacht bei Teutoburger Wald, 9 n. Chr. 30mm flat by Ernst Heinrichsen from, 1936 update of earlier figure completed October 2020 See Heinrichsen Group Figures page / Siehe Heinrichsen Gruppenfiguren Seite
The ancient Germans ruled their tribes by means of a "Ding" or council, often held under a sacred oak tree Germanen bei einem Ting unter einem heiligen Eichenbaum, um 98 n. Chr. Shadow box diorama with 30mm flats produced in the early 1980s by Ursula Dölp
Germanic chieftain ca. 170 AD Germannischer Stammesführer um 170 n. Chr. 54mm full-round figure by Valiant (?), painted & mounted by Rick in 2010
Celtic warrior, chief of the Senonen, 300 BC Keltischer Krieger, Häuptling der Senonen, 300 vor Chr., Source: Peter Conolly, Greece and Rome at war Darstellung nach Peter Conolly, Greece and Rome at war An 80mm flat figure / Höhe 8 cm Painted by/Bemalung: Christian Bertulat, Dresden