This diorama depicts all of the Kingdom of Saxony's regiments in 1812 as they would have appeared, theoretically, before they deployed to the disastrous campaign in Russia as allies of Napoleon's Grand Army. Very few of the Saxons who went on that campaign survived the ordeal, most succumbing to disease, starvation or exposure to the bitter cold. Relatively few died of wounds.
Among the figures pictured here are line infantry in white coats, Guard Infantry in red coats and wearing bearskin caps, chevaulegers (light cavalry) in green, Garde du Corps with crested helmets, sappers in green coats and carrying axes, artillery, and artillery train in light blue coats. The diorama is now housed in the Zinnfiguren Museum in Krongut Bornstedt by Potsdam, outside Berlin. The figures are only 20mm and were produced by Johannes Trips. Most were specifically made to be Saxons, but in for a number of the branches, such as artillery, I had to do conversions of French and Prussian figures to create Saxons. |